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Take Action

to make it happen.

with what you want.

Get Aligned

Become Aware

of who you are. 


That's what you need to do to transform your life.

The best act of self-love is to become aware. When you become aware of who you are, you can understand what needs to change and what needs to stay the same. Awareness is the first step of transformation.


Alignment happens after awareness and right before action. When you become aligned spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically the thing you want will align for you. Getting aligned requires radical separation from the old version of you. Your authenticity is the power you need to step into the higher version of you so you can be in alignment with all of your wants. When you do this, you will have supreme confidence to take action.


Once you begin to take action that is when true transformation happens. Small actions leads to bigger actions.  â€‹â€‹All of the manifesting and attraction you desire will not come to you until you act.


Life asks you one question, are you willing to lean in to what is already yours?


If you are, then you are ready to learn how to use these three methods to push your life forward. 


​Let's Walk Together.


Schedule your first initial session here.

Here is what to expect in my world..

  • Be my most unapologetic authentic self with hopes that you will do the same. 

  • Provide unstoppable belief in knowing that we are all on our own journey finding, learning, growing and accepting.

  • Remind you of who you are and whose you are so you can find what ignites you and get to work. 


Some great gems of information to get you started

Take what resonates with you and leave the rest for another time. 

(When you sign up, you'll also receive regular emails from me on stop playing small and transforming your life —because there’s a lot to learn and I have a lot to share.)

Want my help with going from Playing Small to Thriving Higher?

Get started with my favorite thought provoking quotes to transform your life. 

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5 Quotes to Transform Your Life

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Conquer These 3 Things & Walk Your Path Confidently

Ready to own your journey so you can Walk Your Path Confidently?

Grab my three things you must conquer to be prepared for the walk. 

Need insight to make a decision from the Crossroad to Choosing You?

Listen to my podcast episodes for crossroad decision making.

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